Five hours from the Colombian capital, by horseshoe roads and sectors in which your back appreciates certain paved sections of road is the town called the world capital of the MUZO emerald. A place where everything revolves around the extraction and commercialization of emeralds, when you walk through its streets you listen and observe many people of different types dedicated to this work, big merchants, associated miners, workers of companies that exploit the mineral and people in search of fortune coming from different regions of the country or from there that have their daily sustenance with this work, that of digging, that of washing the land deposited in the river companies in search of a stone that can remove them from the poor or failing help them cope with the day to day. The day begins very early the backpackers (cars that transport these people) leave at 5.00 am to go to the ravine the animas where they will be dedicated for a few hours or if the weather conditions or fatigue allow it all day to extract the mineral. When you arrive you even find people who live in the same sector, they are more comfortable and there is no displacement, entire neighborhoods, with market place included are already at the edge of this ravine in conjunction with large companies with their mines that extract the earth but already in a more technical way, coexisting together with others. Already in their daily lives these people of different personalities, some very dedicated others less, some working all day with their shovel, others with their hand pick, some with luck others with little or none, just say and repeat once after another "May my God give me two lucky minutes" with that I leave poor. It's the only thing they need. You can also see people with different attire, arriving in their vans you know that they are not originally from the place in its majority, you even get to see foreigners also in search of fortune in search of business, they arrive until the same bank of the ravine the animas to buy precious stones, bargains, crystals, etc. It is an activity in which the guaquero offers a quantity and the merchant another. A dispute to reach a price but where in 100% of the cases the merchant always takes the win, his very condition and his presence make him know. Who gets the best part of the business. Although I think that is good or bad. That's the way business is, it has always been and always will be. Some seek fortune and others negotiate with it, this has been the beginning of everything.